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Rep. Issa: The COVID Vaccine ‘Has Become More About a Religion of Power than Anything Else

By Craig Bannister

“We cannot fund this kind of power-play,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) warns, denouncing funding for implementation of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, which threatens the jobs of U.S. military personnel and hospital staff.

In comments on the House floor, Issa first commended the remarks by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) condemning the inclusion of vaccine mandate funding in the 2022 budget. Issa then explained how the mandate is threatening the jobs of his chief warrant officer and minister:

“One of the things that you said, in the mandate, that particularly I’ve seen for the men and women in uniform, for my chief warrant officer who, after 23 years, is being forced out, for my Lutheran minister, who has 16 years, and they will not accept his religious exemption.”

Instead of coercing people to get the vaccine, Biden’s mandate is simply forcing them into the ranks of the unemployed, Rep. Issa said:

“What I’m see though, that I think the American people need to understand is: it’s not going to change the number who are vaccinated. Firing somebody simply means they go from being an employed person to an unemployed person – a productive person to somebody less productive.

“We are literally making, as you and I speak, our military less productive at a time in which the Russians are at the Ukrainian border, prepared to snuff out a democracy.”

Democrats are pushing to fund the ineffective vaccine mandate because they see if as a way to seized more power over the American people, Rep. Issa said:

“We cannot fund this kind of a power-play, particularly, as you said so eloquently, it doesn’t reduce the spread of the virus, it is dubious as to whether it actually reduces the impact when you get it, and lastly, if you don’t get it, what they do is they choose to fire you.

“Fire our first responders, fire our military people – and, it not going to change anything because, if somebody believes that it’s either unhealthy for them, or for religious objections doesn’t want to, firing them isn’t going to change it.

“What it’s going to change is it’s demoralizing our military, it’s demoralizing our police. And, it’s creating a situation in my own district in which our hospitals are saying that they cannot treat their patients. But, the reason they can’t treat them is people are sitting at home. And, they’re sitting at home, even if they’re vaccinated, because it isn’t working. So, keep it up. I just wanted to come to the floor and say nobody could be more proud of what you’re doing, and more in belief, that these are dubious they’re working.”

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