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Issa jumps over Normandy in D-Day remembrance

By Times-Advocate

n Friday, June 7, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) and a bipartisan delegation of veterans serving in Congress conducted a parachute jump over Normandy, France from a WWII-era plane to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Issa represents Valley Center and parts of Escondido.

“Eighty years ago, freedom faced its great challenge on the beaches of Normandy – and through immense bravery and sacrifice, Allied forces fought and won a pivotal victory. Those heroes of D-Day deserve our remembrance and profound gratitude for the sacrifice they made to preserve freedom,” said Rep. Issa. “I was proud to join my veteran colleagues on this jump to pay tribute to those courageous men. May we never forget the great price that was paid on June 6, 1944.” 

Rep. Issa was joined by Reps. Mike Waltz (FL-06), Derrick Van Orden (WI-03), Mark Green (TN-07), Keith Self (TX-03), Rich McCormick (GA-06), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Cory Mills (FL-07), Dan Crenshaw (TX-02), and Jason Crow (CO-06).
