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Connolly, Issa launch IT modernization caucus

The lawmakers behind the FITARA legislation are establishing a new caucus centered around IT modernization issues

By Natalie Alms

Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) are launching a new, bipartisan IT modernization caucus on Thursday, meant to “bring awareness to governments’ need to embrace technology and analytics to better deliver services to the American public.”

The two have a history of collaborating across party lines on technology and management issues, despite coming from opposite ends of the political spectrum. They were cosponsors of the original legislation establishing the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act, when Issa chaired the House Oversight Committee and Connolly served as ranking member of a key subcommittee. In the release about the new caucus, the two highlighted FITARA’s impact, which they say has saved over $20 billion. 

In 2014, the two teamed up on a cloud computing caucus that attracted members from both sides of the aisle.

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