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Issa: Biden Put Russia and China ‘Back Together’ as Allies


On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) stated that under President Joe Biden, Russia and China have come back together as allies.

Issa stated, [relevant remarks begin around 2:10] “Well, the president’s going to say the state of the union is strong. But he’s going to stop short of the apologies he owes to people around the world for his weakness. He’s going to say that the state of the union is strong, but he’s going to not explain how he could let a supply chain that is broken, but can be fixed, be fixed. He’s going to say we’re strong, and yet…we’re importing Russian oil instead of exporting oil and natural gas to make the world, and particularly Europe, less dependent on this tyrant. He certainly is not going to explain how he undid what Richard Nixon did a generation ago. A generation ago, we split Russia and China so they were not allies. He has put them back together. And if Russia gets away with taking Ukraine, and they certainly look like they’re on their way, he will, in fact, be sending a message to China, of course, you can take Taiwan, Russia has your back.”

Watch Interview Here
